
We joyfully welcome all who have joined our community for worship and praise to God.  We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who pray with us every week and ask you to consider officially registering to be a part of the parish as well. You, our neighbors and guests, are always welcome and we hope you find a peaceful home here with us when visiting the area. 

News & Announcements



Communal worship is the center and the heart of our parish life.  We strive for the active participation of all in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Community Life

We strive to create an integrated, gracious parish community whose members recognize and respect the inherent dignity of every person.  We minister to one another and reach out to those with special need.

Spiritual Growth and Development

We seek to respond in faith and love to the Scriptures and through prayer and reflection throughout the year, allow the Word of God to nourish, sustain, and transform our personal and communal lives.  

Education in the Faith

We encourage lifelong religious education for youth and adults.  Drawing upon gifts within and outside the parish, we hope to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the Church and of the challenges we face as Catholics in our own time.  May God bless us in our efforts to be faithful to our mission.   

come celebrate with us


Eucharistic Adoration

First Friday after the 12:10 pm
Mass until 1:30 pm


Rosary after each weekday Mass

Spanish Language Prayer Service

Thursday at 7:30 PM



Saturday:  4:30 pm
Sunday:  7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 6:00pm in Spanish
Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:00 am
Tuesday & Friday 12:10 pm.


The parish rejoices with you in the birth of your child! Baptisms are celebrated on scheduled Sundays at 12:30 pm.  Parents planning to have their child baptized are asked to contact the rectory to arrange an interview.


Saturdays at 3:45pm and Tuesdays at 12:30 pm. Anytime by appointment.


Congratulations! Please make arrangements at the parish approximately one year before the desired date so that we can work with you to prepare for your marriage.

Anointing of the sick

Every Second Friday of the month after the 12:10 pm Mass. Anytime in an emergency, by calling the rectory.

Rite of Christian Initiation of adults

Anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or completing the Sacraments of Initiation, please call the Rectory Office.

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News & Announcements

High School Graduation Drive Notice

Diocese of Rockville Center Claims

Diocese of Rockville Center Claims notice
Claims can be filed until August 14, 2021
Information regarding the deadlines for
filing proofs of claim in the Diocese's Chapter 11
case and the forms to use can be found by
clicking on the following link to the Diocese's
bankruptcy website and scrolling down the page

Letter from the Bishop
(Click to view)

Letter from the Bishop

Ordination to Priesthood

Rev. Mr. Louis Cona
Rev. Mr. Christopher Heller
Rev. Mr. Stephen Rooney
June 18, 2022
(Click to view)
Ordination to Priesthood Announcement

Announcement from Rev. John O. Barres

June 24, 2022
Announcement from Rev. John O. Barres

A Message to the Faithful of the Diocese of Rockville Centre

As our valued partner in providing spiritual, educational, charitable and cultural activities in the Long Island community, the Diocese of Rockville Centre felt it was important to share the news with you that today we have filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. In addition to the media release attached to this email, a video message from Bishop Barres announcing this filing and other information regarding the filing is posted on the diocesan website: www.drvc.org

We took this necessary action to manage litigation expenses, address disputes with the Diocese’s insurers and facilitate settlements of lawsuits filed under the Child Victims Act. Like many other institutions and the parishioners, we serve, the Diocese has suffered a strain on its finances as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately 40 percent of our annual revenue comes from offertory collections, which have dropped precipitously with attendance at Sunday Mass. 

We believe the restructuring process is the only way to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for everyone involved, including abuse survivors whose compensation settlements will be resolved by the courts.

But rest assured, this process will impede neither our mission to be a spiritual resource to the 1.4 million Catholics who reside in Long Island nor our partnership with your organization. 

The Diocese believes its current and future liquidity will be sufficient to fund operations and ministries during the restructuring process and beyond. Operations of the parishes and schools are expected to continue as normal. 

We will work diligently with all survivors, creditors and ministries to maintain open communication while we work toward our goal of completing a settlement and finalizing a restructuring plan that includes a comprehensive and fair resolution for survivors.

We appreciate your support prayers during this period. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. You may also find updated information on our website: www.drvc.org.

Click Here to read the media release.